суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


II Vocal notation for pieces in ketawang sekar form. Original book, published in Java. I Vocal notation for Javanese poems in Dhandhanggula and Sinom macapat meters. II Notation for 25 pieces. Bahan Pelajaran Baku [Gender Notation: iringan tari gambyong pareanom

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Vocal notation for 57 pieces in the Islamic santiswaran style, in pelog pathet nem and barang. These documents are particularly useful for those who are learning to play gamelan or studying performance practice.

Sulukan Gaya Pedesaan A study of village songs sung by the dhalang.

iringan tari gambyong pareanom

Some items have a short introduction in Indonesian. Introduction in Indonesian and notation for 75 songs with texts in Javanese. Pareamom text in Indonesian. Bahan Pelajaran Baku [Gender Notation: Tari Srimpi Sangupati Choreography.

Beginning Central Javanese Gender: II Notation for 25 pieces. II Vocal notation for pieces in ketawang sekar form.

American Gamelan Institute Catalog

Transcriptions and texts for many pieces in Banyumas style. Photos of instruments, notation for gamelan parts. They consist primarily of musical notation, including transcriptions of traditional pieces.

iringan tari gambyong pareanom

I Vocal notation for 57 pieces in the Islamic santiswaran style, in pelog pathet nem tzri barang. Edited by Jody Diamond, with consultant I. Bawa Gawan Gending 60 poems sung before specific gamelan pieces in the Central Javanese repertoire. Bawa Srambahan poems sung before gamelan pieces.

iringan tari gambyong pareanom

Material for Basic Study]. Angklung Sampler Book Transcriptions of traditional Balinese angklung pieces. Rudrah [Dance] Music and movements.

Srimpi Dempel Notes and diagrams for the dance Srimpi Dempel. Lakon Srikandi Meguru Manah 41 pp. Translations Javanese-Indonesiandiscussion, and wangsalan poetic riddles used by the great singer Mardusari. I Vocal notation for poems.

Catalog - Notation

The Vocal Notation of K. Well-organized transcriptions of gender lessons with Sukamso.

Material for Basic Study] Cengkok and pieces in several pathet. The andegan interpolated phrases of Nyai Bei Mardusari for 33 pieces. Transcriptions of traditional Balinese angklung pieces.

Three Sindhenan Books All three books by Supadmi. I Vocal notation for pieces in tarl sekar form. Sekar Taji Choreography and movements. Class Kendang Transcription of lessons with Soedarsono in Yogyakarta. Based on a collection by Lesli Dexter Isworo.

A "dictionary" of vocal cengkok arranged by text, pathet, seleh goal tone and syllable length.

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